Arnold Reinthaler.

This is not a Wittgenstein / Ceci n' est pas un Wittgenstein

2022 Engraving of ›Ceci n'est pas un Wittgen‹ into stone.

This stone tablet is engraved with René Magritte’s phrase ›Ceci n’est pas un[e]‹, except it reads ›Wittgen‹ instead of ›une pipe‹. The sentence (in the negative) is engraved in Magritte’s handwriting and is put at the edge of the image. The imagined second part of the name, ›stein‹, is thus represented by the carrier medium itself. The size and color of the the stone corresponds with Magritte’s original painting.

Arnold Reinthaler, *1971, Austria, studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and wrote his PhD in cultural theory at the University of Art and Design Linz. Prize fostering young talent, awarded by Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Prize fostering young talent, awarded by the state of Upper Austria. 

 Reinthaler’s work addresses systems for measuring time while focusing on the subjective activities of long-lasting work processes that he translates primarily into stone, paper and the media of light. He models the notion of ‘temporality’ by engraving fleeting letters onto an almost anachronistic medium like granite, or by continually testing models of ‘timing’ with techniques of self-recapitulation. Arnold Reinthaler lives and works in Vienna.

Not me / NICHT ICH

2021 Cut and quarried sculpture in white marble, wooden poles for display

The artist cuts the negative particle NICHT into a pure white marbleplate. The characters are still attached to a few points of the plate, connecting them to the stone. With the help of a hammer and a chisel, the three middle characters ICH are taken out of NICHT. The panel that emerges is presented on an easel made of wooden elements.